Technology Trends 2020: Virtual reality will shape the future

The technology is constantly evolving, the innovations in this sector are fast and in many cases there is not enough time to assimilate so much development.  But we must adapt so as not to be left behind.

Betting on technological development is essential for the future and data are the axis of everything, they are the center of the digital transformation. Without data you can’t do anything, you need data to customize your business, to make applications, to differentiate yourself from the rest, to automate processes… It’s digital oil and now it’s time to get all its value out.

2020 has been called the year of the great technological leap forward. Technology companies have been working for years on technologies that are now reaching the point of maturity needed to integrate into the daily lives of both companies and people. For example, AI, which was difficult to apply years ago, is now used in a large number of products that make life easier.

Today we want to approach the trends of this 2020 that represent a turning point in the IT sector and a great technological leap.

Technology trends in 2020

The technological trends spin around a series of main key axes that are extremely important for the development of businesses such as: personalization, Extreme Automation and Customer Experience. All of them essential for the technological future. 

The trends for this 2020 can be separated into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotics Process Automation, Virtual Reality and Data Exchange.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: they are the central axis of the development. All companies know how to measure their business, now we have to go a step further. Within AI, Machine Learning allows to learn from data to help in decision making and even to automate them. The American consulting firm Gartner says that by 2025, Artificial Intelligence will be the “base” tool to improve the customer experience, improve services, facilitate the search and management of information and reinvent a wide variety of business models. In other words, it will be the key to personalization. The clients we address belong to the millennial generation, highly informed and technological people who seek hyper-customization. It is basic and essential that technological processes are focused on this.
  2. Robotics Process Automation.  Apply robotics to business processes to automate them and be optimal. Companies cannot grow with inefficiencies because they can get bigger and bigger. We are entering an era in which all processes have to be automatic and digital, an Extreme Automation.
  3. Virtual Reality is the technological trend of the future. It has great potential and it is beginning to position itself among business processes. We have started to study where to apply it in different sectors. Virtual reality will be key in the Customer Experience. All companies have to look for the famous WOW effect, to get out of what everybody offers. Knowing how to differentiate oneself from others is a pillar that helps the company to develop and grow.
  4. Data Exchange: although it cannot be considered a trend for the next few years, it is important to mention it because now the market is thinking about the Cloud. This allows data exchanges to be made easily and smoothly. Now, companies are more integrated. Being in the cloud accelerates business exponentially, achieving faster and more agile businesses that can only be achieved with this infrastructure. Every business must be in the cloud to keep moving forward.

Sustainability will shape the technological future

As a result of all this, companies have to bet on agile work methodologies, Lead Management and Product Management. In addition, they have to resort to specific talents, which means that business schools, universities and training centers have to take action and go faster.

We must also talk about sustainability, not as a technological trend, but it will change the way it is created. We are all aware of the importance of the environment and organisations, companies and sectors, of all types of business, are increasingly pressing for this social awareness.

Therefore, the creation of devices, hardware and products will be increasingly sustainable. Consuming less natural resources is becoming more and more recurrent and will also mark the technological future.


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