Welcome to our new web site!

At Mind Analytics we have been working on our new web site for several months and this is the result. We hope you like it as much as we do.

We offer you a more dynamic, intuitive web site, with a more up-to-date, modern and technological design, which is far more suitable for the sector we operate in.

So, what will you find on our web site from now on? It is a space designed so that you can find out about all we have on offer quickly. You can get to know our great team, the way we work, what we do, see all the solutions you can get from us and also – Discover our success stories! These are growing and you could be the next one!

However, if you are not one of our clients, but, instead, work in the world of data – Come and join our team! You can see all our vacancies by sector and sign up for your dream job. If we don’t have anything that fits your profile, don’t worry, send us your CV anyway, we’d like to get to know you. Remember that it’s a world that’s much in demand, so your opportunity will appear when you least expect it.

If what you need is to change career direction or specialise in highly specific fields, have a look at all of our available courses in the training section. It’s never too late to carry on learning. We’d also like to listen to you. Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to do a course that we don’t run? Tell us about it. We’re sure we can help you.

Keep up to date with our news on social networks and on our blog.

Mind Analytics. The data revolution is here!



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