Our colleague, Montse Llos, speaking at the seventh ISPO Academy event.

Monday, 3 June, is the seventh ISPO Academy event which, in collaboration with AFYDAD and the Barcelona Moda Centre, invites all players in the sports sector – retailers, brands and communications media – and entrepreneurs in the sports sector.

This year the theme is “The circular economy in the digital age”, where experts in Digitisation and the Circular Economy will make presentations. They will talk about the tools needed to face current and future market demands. One of the speakers at the event is our colleague Montse Llos.

Montse is a computer engineer and works at Mind Analytics as Head of Data Science. Her interest in the Data Science world goes hand-in-hand with her way of understanding the reasons for existing: “Growing personally based on the interaction with one’s environment and one’s self, in the same way that a business needs data to be able to take appropriate actions for its survival and growth. Business Intelligence enables us to get to know about the current state of our business based on what has already happened. But, what if we could enhance this by predicting what may happen? Large companies, such as Amazon, have been working along these lines for several years already – Artificial Intelligence has become a basic pillar for the growth of its business.” Our colleague tells us.

Sometimes we think that only large companies, with a big data system, can benefit from the technology, but this is not true. Because of this, Montse has chosen “From Business Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence: why, how and where to use Artificial Intelligence to improve your decisions” as the main theme for her presentation.  Attendees can find out about everything Artificial Intelligence has to offer their businesses to increase business profits.

The event takes place at the Barcelona Moda Centre, in Sant Quirze del Vallès, Barcelona.

Alex Cucurull, Base Director General, and Fermín Davies, Director of Projects and Member of the Sportmas Advisory Council, will also make presentations within the field of digitisation. Furthermore, Albert Medrano, Global Marketing Manager of Original Buff S.A and Jordi Oliver Solà, Founder Member and Executive Director of Inèdit Innovació, S.L. will speak about the circular economy.

Christoph Rapp, International Sales and Retail Manager at ISPO, and director of the ISPO Academy, will also talk about ISPO’s stake in digitisation and sustainability.

To attend you just need to sign up at https://bmc-moda.com/ispo-academy19/ where you can also see the programme. Don’t miss this great opportunity to carry on learning.


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